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11-year-old boy found a 5-year-old girl buried inside the sand dunes - saved her life using a trick he learned from TV





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11 year old Connor Fitzgerald played outside with friends one day in the sand dunes in California, United States.

The boy did what most children of his age do: dug in the sand to see how deep it would be. That was the moment he stumbling upon a startling discovery: a little girl was buried alive under the sand.

Without wasting time, Connor acted at top speed. He was in a race against the clock, and Connor had no intention of losing.

The 11-year-old boy began to dig nonstop to expose the 5-year-old girl, who had no life signs. He began to dig around her head before clearing enough sand to pull her out.

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As soon as the girl was out, Connor immediately began doing resuscitation - which he learned to do from watching television.

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It didn't took long before the girl came back to life.

The 5-year-old girl, Alyssa Bostic, was playing on the beach when a sand cave above her suddenly collapsed. She was trapped for a few minutes, unable to move or breathe.

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While Conor was busy saving her life, adults arrived and immediately called an ambulance. The girl had escaped a tragic fate and was now fully recovered - all thanks to Connor's quick response.

"I feel good", the girl said.

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Conor's father is proud of his son who saved the girl's life by thinking and acting fast.

"I'm glad he was able to stop for a moment and think, 'Well, wait, something's happening here, there's no adults here, I know they're at least 400 meters away, I've got to do something'", said Tim, Connor's father.

Watch the incident report in the video below:

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A few minutes can be the difference between life and death. Luckily, Connor acted quickly and efficiently and saved Alyssa's life. Please share if you also think he's a hero who deserves the honor of the world!


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