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10 things that will happen to your body if you eat one avocado every day





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Avocado is a popular fruit right now, but why?

First of all – they are really, really delicious.

But that's not the only reason you should eat avocados regularly.

In fact, there are at least 10 reasons why you should eat this magical fruit several times a week.

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1. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular and heart diseases

One of the main causes of death in the western world is those cardiovascular and heart diseases.

So why not protect yourself against these diseases with good nutrition? The avocado has positive effects on heart health for its high levels of saturated fat.

Avocados also contain antioxidants like carotenoids and phenolics that help prevent inflammation and improve blood circulation.

2. Helps maintain healthy weight

Regular consumption of avocados can help you lose weight and maintain a healthy BMI.

Avocados also helps people to reduce the risk that they will eat too much.

At the same time, foods containing saturated fatty acids, like avocados, have been proved to be healthy for the heart.

3. Reduces the risk of cancer

Avocados provide the phytochemicals that help reduce the risk of cancer. Protein groups like Glotanin and Lutein found in avocados reduces the risk of cancer of the throat and mouth.

Moreover, avocado helps to reduce the risk of breast and prostate cancer.

4. Nutritional bomb

Avocado contains 20 vitamins and minerals. In one avocado you can find among others:

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5. Protects skin and eyes

Studies have shown that avocados, which contains carotenoids, can do wonders for the body.

The antioxidants Lutein and other substances found in avocados slow eyes vision problems related to age.

These nutrients work in a similar manner against UV rays damage and help maintain the skin smooth and healthy.

6. Stabilize blood pressure

One avocado contains 28% of the recommended daily amount of potassium.

According to the American Heart Association, avocados are a great natural source of potassium, which helps maintain normal blood pressure.

7. Prevents diseases

Add avocado to your salad and it will help your body absorb antioxidants from other vegetables.

Studies have showed that avocado helps the body absorb carotenoids, which contain antioxidants that prevent diseases.

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8. Good for pregnant women

If you are pregnant, it is recommended to eat avocados because they contain potassium, folic acid, in addition to the vitamins B and c.

Folic acid is important for a healthy development of the fetus in an early of pregnancy. In addition, avocado helps relieve nausea during pregnancy.

9. Reduces pain

Avocado contains oleic acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties.

Therefore, eat avocados and feel a relief from chronic joints pain.

10. Reduces depression

Avocado is rich in vitamins and minerals like potassium and folic acid, which can improve mood and reduce the feeling of depression.

Researchers also found a direct link between depression and low levels of potassium.

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