The husband took the brush from the hairdresser's hands. What he did next to his wife left me in tears.
To love for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do us part. It’s a promise that many of us make to each other when we commit to a life together, and we expect that promise to last until our last breath. We commit to being with our spouse forever – no matter the situation. No matter what.
It’s that special connection that makes weddings such beautiful and moving events. But of course, the meaning of these words is different for each person.
And the man in this article certainly has an opinion on the subject. His recent actions toward his wife in a beauty salon not only moved the hairdresser to tears, but the entire world as well.
When one woman’s health deteriorated, she was no longer able to perform the same tasks as before.
For example, she no longer had the strength to take care of her own hair. And of course, this feeling of helplessness in not being able to perform relatively simple actions can be very heavy on the body and mind. For the woman in question, the situation was difficult. But that doesn't mean she was alone.
Here comes her loving husband, who immediately became the darling of the Internet worldwide.
Long ago – when the two got married – the husband pledged to stand by his wife in sickness and in health. And he wasn’t going to break that promise.
He wanted to learn how to do her hair, since she was no longer able to do it herself.
So he made an appointment at the beauty salon and explained his task to them.
The hairdresser took on the task and showed him what to do, step by step, how to style his wife’s hair just the way she liked it.
So he took a brush and practiced over and over again until he was able to style it just the way his wife would have liked.
The hairdresser wrote a post on Facebook in which she wrote:
“Proof that true love really does exist.. She can no longer style her own hair and her husband insisted on learning how to do it for her, step by step. From the products, to the correct way to put back the brush and hair dryer.. Truly one of the most beautiful and kind things I have ever seen in my life. I couldn’t hold back the tears. What a wonderful man and what a lucky woman. May God bless them”.
The husband practiced for several hours until he felt confident enough in his ability to perform the act exactly as his wife wanted.
It's a commitment you won't see in today's society, but for this special man it was not a question at all.
Watch the tear-jerking video below:
Life is not always fair. But as long as we have someone by our side in times of need, everything will work out for the best.
Please share this article with your friends and family to pay special tribute to this wonderful man. How amazing!