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Is your toilet full of stains? A handyman reveals the main cause and how to remove them





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Maintaining hygiene is not limited to our bodies, but also applies to our homes. Regular cleaning ensures a fresh and pleasant environment. If you are dealing with stubborn stains in your toilet, the following information may be helpful to you.

Sometimes, despite your cleaning efforts, stains appear that are difficult to remove. According to YouTuber Papa Joe, who specializes in practical home maintenance solutions, these stains are often caused by mold. The design of the toilet allows mold to accumulate and reappear.

When you flush, an internal cavity fills, and there are small jets in the bowl area through which the water comes out. The problem begins when the mold in the internal cavity is pushed out through the jets during flushing.

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The solution is simple: lift the lid of your toilet and you will find a cylinder with a small water pipe that fills after flushing. All you have to do is pour a little distilled vinegar into this cylinder.

Vinegar is a natural and effective anti-mold agent, and it is also cheap and readily available. The vinegar will circulate in the interior space and help clean the mold. After about an hour, the mold will begin to decompose naturally. At this point, it is recommended to scrub the toilet bowl, and the mold should not return.

If you make this method a habit and add vinegar to the toilet tank from time to time, you can keep your toilet free of mold.

Keeping your toilet clean is not only a matter of aesthetics, but also of hygiene and health. An unclean toilet is a breeding ground for bacteria, mold, and fungi that can cause unpleasant odors and the development of various diseases.

When the toilet is not cleaned regularly, stubborn stains are formed that come from water residue, limescale, and organic dirt. These stains not only damage the appearance of the toilet but can also make it difficult to clean in the future. In addition, the accumulation of bacteria can lead to infections and harm the health of household members, especially small children and those with weak immune systems.

Cleaning the toilet also improves the air quality in the bathroom. A dirty toilet produces unpleasant odors that can spread to the rest of the house. Regular use of cleaning agents such as natural vinegar or disinfectants helps prevent the accumulation of dirt and maintains a pleasant smell in the environment.

In addition, regular cleaning extends the life of the toilet and prevents premature wear, which saves money on repairs or replacement of parts. Strict cleanliness prevents blockages and plumbing problems.

Therefore, to protect your health, your home environment, and the longevity of your toilet, it is recommended to clean it regularly and maintain it properly.

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