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8 indian secrets to a healthy and abundant hair that every woman should know





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You may have noticed that Indian women have long and lush hair. The wonderful knowledge of the indians has been passed on from generation to generation for thousands of years, and according to their belief one can find the answers to everything in nature.

Here are 8 Indian secrets that will give you an amazing, shiny, and lush hair.

1. Rinse with cold water

Rinsing the hair with very cold water expands the blood circulation and the result is faster development and growth of the hair.

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2. Aloe vera juice

Aloe vera can be used as a remedy for many skin problems. And it is also great for the hair and scalp. All you have to do is apply gel or aloe vera juice on the hair roots and rub gently with your fingers.

3. Coconut oil massage

Pour some coconut oil into a bowl, heat it for 20 seconds, and then spread it on the scalp. Gently massage the skin with your fingers so that the oil penetrates deep into the roots. The coconut oil nourishes the scalp and cleanses the follicles of the accumulated fat. Leave for 30 minutes and then wash your hair. Repeat once a week.

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4. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a remedy for many things and also for damaged hair. It strengthens the hair follicles and removes dandruff. All you have to do is add some apple cider vinegar to the shampoo once a week and wash with it.

5. Proteins hair mask

Many times damaged hair is the result of a lack of protein in the things you eat. Take two eggs, separate the protein from the yolk, mix the protein and spread on the hair roots. After 30 minutes, rinse and wash your hair - it will be shiny!

6. Essential oils with the addition of coconut oil

Indians use a large amount of essential oils for hair care. The best oils are almond oil, jojoba, rosemary, lavender and thyme. They flush the fat from the pores and repair damaged follicles.

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7. Wash less

To strengthen the hair and make it shine it must be protected from distilling chemicals, as they change the pH levels in the skin. Try to wash your hair less, maybe 1-2 times a week.

8. Panthenol

The D-panthenol hair mask is an engineered vitamin B5. Among the benefits - rebuilds hair ties and prevents baldness in men.


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