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New research states: People with a 'Short fuse' who get angry easily are smarter than others





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Does your family call you nervous, creepy or negative? Are you known for your short fuse? Well, according to a new research, you should take that as a compliment. Apparently, people with a 'short fuse' who get angry very quick are smarter than others. This is how a new study states.

So from now on, don't think there's anything wrong with your behavior - instead, accept yourself as you are, get your nerves with open arms and see it for what it really is: an advantage.

Better memory

Yes, the elementary research by that was conducted by researchers at the University of New South Wales and Stanford has concluded that women with a short fuse, or those who get angry very fast, are more intelligent.

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This conclusion comes from the fact that when women get annoyed, they not only make better decisions but show better memory, remembering facts and small details more precisely.

Nervousness is characterized by a negative mentality, which makes people more aware of their surroundings. So when a woman gets annoyed, she focuses, and concentrates more clearly on what she sees, thinks, and how she works about it.

Smart situation analysis

Short-fused women have a bad mood hidden in their personality, which means they can concentrate faster and act quickly and wisely in situations as they occur.

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This is especially evident when they have to make important decisions or think about solutions to social, business or professional problems. They do fact-based and non-fact-based analysis instead of letting emotions get in the way.

So do you often hear that you are angry, grumpy or have a short fuse? Take it as a compliment! Who wouldn't want to be the smartest woman around?

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