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The before and after photos of the pregnant belly with the quadruplets show how amazing a woman's body is





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Every time a child is born - that is a small miracle. It's a unique and extremely happy moment for the parents. But some births are a little more special than others..

Parents Simon and Lindsay Hey always knew they wanted a big family. They got married and it didn't took long before they found out they were going to become parents. Four years ago their first son Carson was born.

But Lindsay and her husband wanted a bigger family with more children.

They tried many times to get pregnant, but unfortunately Lindsay experienced many miscarriages. This is something that affected her a lot - Lindsay could not imagine not having another baby.


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WEEK 26 QUAD BUMPDATE! Except I’m actually 26+5 in this photo and sharing at the 27 week mark which you’ll also get an update on in a few days. If you want a sneak peek at what’s going on at week 27, have a look at my story. 🙈 But back to week 26, this was the week I found myself at the hospital for abdominal cramping that just turned out to be… Constipation. So there’s that. You’re welcome. At this point my body seems to be handling the pregnancy well aside from the 500 stretch marks that have appeared out of no where and increased pelvic pressure. There’s also the modest 49 pounds I’ve already gained or the fact that at 26+5 I’m measuring FIFTY WEEKS. Nbd. Babies are all looking great, developing on track, and baby d’s fluid that was once a bit excessive is now back in perfect range. Babies are all SUPER reactive and responsive to me poking at them. It’s truly incredible to feel 4 humans moving at one time. So grateful we have made it this far and am counting every single day as a major win. Trimester 3, I’m comin for ya. 💛 . . . . . #growbabiesgrow #quadruplets #quadmom #quadrupletsofinstagram #quadrupletpregnancy #highriskpregnancy #incompetentcervix #cerclage #emergencycerclage #preventativecerclage #higherordermultiples #rainbowbabies #hopeafterloss #wordsofaffirmation #bumpwatch #secondtrimester #pregnancyupdate #26weeks #26weekspregnant #stretchmarks #somanystretchmarks #viability #summerbabies #momofmultiples #momof5 #expecting #infertility #infertilityawareness #haysfordays #thehayquads

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And it didn’t go away at all when the doctor told Lindsay that her ‘egg quality was poor’.

Lindsay found this very difficult to hear. She felt it was her fault. She loved children and wanted to be pregnant again.

After a while, she and her husband began treatment with a hormone injection called Follistim.

“The theory behind the treatment was that if I released more than one egg in a treatment cycle, there was a greater chance of one good egg. We decided to try it a few times before moving on to IVF”, Lindsay said.


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27 WEEK QUAD BUMPDATE! This isn’t my norm update pic since I’ve been camping out at the hospital but I needed to capture the belly in all it’s glory and give everyone an update! — And tomorrow is already week 28!!! Since I had the episode of contractions last weekend they’ve been keeping me under observation and continuing to give me procardia to keep things calm. So far so good and if things continue this way for the rest of the day, I get to go home TOMORROW! Hospital life isn’t fun but I’ve had some really amazing nurses taking care of me and keeping me company. Plus I had a huge outing to the first floor for my growth scan (27 + 5) and the babies look so good! Baby A- 3 lbs. 2 oz, Baby B- 2 lbs. 6 oz., Baby C- 3 lbs. 0 oz., Baby D- 2 lbs. 13 oz.) My face is starting to swell and I’m not loving how I’m looking but these weights are everything to me and makes it all 1000% worth it. For a small person I seem to make some decent sized babies!! My spirits are good and every day my rockstar hubby @syman_1 has been bringing Carson to come see me and we push the hospital beds together so we can have dinner and watch a movie together. The hardest part of this week has definitely been being away from them and I’ve cried a bunch but we’re doing it. Can’t believe today is our last holiday as a party of 3 AND LAST DAY IN THE 2ND TRIMESTER! 🇺🇸❤️ . . . #growbabiesgrow #quadruplets #quadmom #quadrupletsofinstagram #quadrupletpregnancy #highriskpregnancy #incompetentcervix #cerclage #emergencycerclage #preventativecerclage #higherordermultiples #rainbowbabies #hopeafterloss #bumpwatch #secondtrimester #hellotrimester3 #pregnancyupdate #27weeks #27weekspregnant #stretchmarks #somanystretchmarks #viability #summerbabies #momofmultiples #momof5 #expecting #infertility #infertilityawareness #haysfordays #thehayquads

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But the IVF never happened. Lindsay got pregnant on her third cycle of hormone therapy.

When Lindsay and her husband received the wonderful news, they couldn't believe their ears. They were in complete shock. Couldn't it be real.. quadruplets? It's extremely rare: The doctor explained that the chance of it happening was 1 in 700,000.

"I was in denial because I was told my egg quality was poor, and I just couldn't believe it. My husband didn't say a word and was as pale as a ghost", she said.

But while the couple were overjoyed, they were also worried. This is of course a natural feeling for anyone who gets pregnant, but for Lindsay, the fear was even greater.


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23 WEEK QUAD BUMPDATE! Interrupting my baby shower spam for a super late update. I’m actually 23 weeks and 5 days today so some of my “symptoms” are going to overlap with my 24 week update in a few days. Spoiler alert: I have a stretch mark. Actually make that three. While I know what my body is doing is incredible, I’m not ready for the sentimental comments just yet. I am having a vain moment and grieving my “perfect” stomach, ok? 🙈There was a time hubby and me wondered if I’d ever have a pregnant bump again though so I truly am grateful and embracing it, but sometimes it’s hard and I’m just keeping it real. This week we had my first cervix check post cerclage and it’s actually lengthened which is a huge relief. Babies are developing right on track, my blood pressure is great, and I’m up 35 pounds! Can’t wait to hit viability (!!!) in just two short days and check on my sweet babes again next week. PS: Swipe to see how I want to feel, vs. how I really feel. #tiredasamother . . . #growbabiesgrow #quadruplets #quadmom #quadrupletsofinstagram #quadrupletpregnancy #highriskpregnancy #incompetentcervix #cerclage #emergencycerclage #preventativecerclage #higherordermultiples #rainbowbabies #hopeafterloss #wordsofaffirmation #bumpwatch #secondtrimester #pregnancyupdate #23weeks #23weekspregnant #summerbabies #momofmultiples #momof5 #expecting #infertility #infertilityawareness #mdw #haysfordays #thehayquads

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"I honestly didn't know if the pregnancy would last and I was bracing myself for a miscarriage. There was uncertainty, fear, and surprise", she said.

Even though everything looked normal on the ultrasound, Lindsay wasn't convinced she would get to meet her precious babies.

"You carry the pain of the miscarriage everywhere you go, and after being on the other side and my babies here, it still hurts. I don't know if I'll ever fully recover. It's definitely made me stronger, tougher, it's given me perspective and appreciation for the magnitude of this miracle".


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Flower crowns are always a good idea. 🍃✨ Thanks for making me take these despite my awkward turtle laugh attacks @jessiev_photography . . . #babyshower #babysprinkle #babycelebration #23weeks #23weekspregnant #secondtrimester #pregnantwithquadruplets #quadruplets #quadrupletsofinstagram #momofmany #momofmultiples #momof5 #prettyinpinkblush #shoppinkblush #maternityfashion #flowercrown

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Although she had a difficult pregnancy..

“I’m grateful that I’m a person who really loves pregnancies. Otherwise, it would have been much harder to deal with. During the first trimester, I was so sick that I couldn’t function. With four babies and four placentas, my hormones, exhaustion, and nausea were four times as strong. I was anxious and every night I would wait for midnight to celebrate that I had made it through another day”, she said.

At 20 weeks, doctors gave her more alarming news: Lindsay’s cervix had started to dilate. Again, Lindsay feared she would lose her babies.

But everything went well and Lindsay made it to 30 weeks and four days. When the doctors explained that it was time, Lindsay could barely breathe. She realized that her babies would probably survive. The birth was performed by cesarean section.


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On Tuesday, July 23rd, we finally met our four little loves that I fought so hard to get here! The birth was seriously the most incredible experience of my life and I was on the biggest adrenaline high imaginable. The c section went perfectly and we even had a clear drape so that once the handy work of the doctors was over we were able to watch the babies being pulled out and delivered. They all came out kicking and screaming and breathing on their own, and their cries alone made it all worth it. This is the first baby I got to see up close and personal but we aren’t quite sure who is who since they all pretty much look identical. All blonde and delicious even if it’s hard to tell with their little tubes! But without further ado, let us introduce you to our babies. 💛 Ps, while I can’t get to every message right now just know we are so appreciative of all your kindness and support along this journey! We love you! #quadruplets #thehayquads

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The quadruplets needed care from the moment they were born, and they were in intensive care for seven weeks. Lindsay breastfed all four during that time! After a while, they all came home healthy and happy. Some women are born to be superwomen!

Lindsay documented her incredible journey on Instagram. Not long ago, she shared her before-and-after pregnancy photos, which drew a lot of attention and compliments from her followers. Thousands of people online followed Lindsay, many because of her huge and amazing belly.


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IN & OUT DAY! I carried these sweet babies for 30 weeks and 4 days on the inside and here they are at 30 weeks and 4 days on the outside! Full hands, full heart is an understatement! They have surpassed every hope and dream I had envisioned during my pregnancy and even though time is passing quickly I know the best is yet to be. Behind these babies are new marks, rolls, and skin you can’t see but they also came with new strengths I didn’t have before either. We have been so BLESSED and I won’t ever let myself take this life for granted. 💛 #strongasamother

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But it’s not easy to keep up with social media every day when you have four kids and a 4-year-old.

“I barely have a minute to myself. I’m always on the go and have learned to move quickly and multitask. I hardly sleep. But I will say this: The phrase ‘hands full, heart full’ has never been more true for me. I am so happy, content, and fulfilled, and every day I wake up I wonder how I got so lucky. I have everything I ever wanted and more. We are blessed!”.


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Since we can all appreciate a good in & out, here’s my all time favorite then & now. I can still remember feeling so euphoric the first time I held them like this. I was laughing so hard I was actually crying. One of my most joyful moments — shoutout to the nicu nurses who made it happen with all of those wires and tubes. Now it’s nearly impossible to fit them between my arms but you better believe I’ll be somehow recreating this when they’re 18. So proud of how far they’ve come and where they are going. It just keeps getting better and better. 💛 Guess who is who in each pic!

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We take our hats off to Lindsay for everything, especially for managing to breastfeed all four.

What a beautiful and wonderful family!


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eeny, madi, miney, moe 😍

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