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Richard and Anne made love in the bushes at a party, 3 hours later the horrifying detail was revealed





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I like to go to a good party every now and then. I meet people I haven't seen in a while, and I get to have interesting conversations and hear funny stories.

I've always loved a costume party. The costume adds a little spice to the party, especially when you invest in a costume.

This story is about a couple who had one of the strangest evenings at a costume party, only it ended in a very embarrassing - but also funny - incident.

The ending made me laugh out loud, and I just had to share it with you.

Richard and Anne were invited to a fancy Halloween party. But Anne was suffering from a terrible headache and told her husband to go to the party alone.

Richard - a loving and devoted husband - protested, but Anne insisted, saying that she would take an aspirin and go to sleep, and that he would go alone and have a good time.

So he put on the costume, and went to the party alone.

A few hours later, Anne's headache was gone. It was still early, and she decided to go to the party anyway.

Her husband had no idea what costume she was wearing, and with the costume on, it was impossible to recognize her. So she thought it would be fun to watch her husband, and see how he behaved when she wasn't with him.

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So she joined the party, and she quickly noticed Richard in his costume. He was sizzling on the dance floor, dancing with every girl he could – and he was good at it, too, as women gathered around him.

Anne approached him, and with the help of her wonderful ability to seduce, she worked her magic. Richard didn’t recognize her, but he dried off the woman he was dancing with and devoted his time to Anne.

After a few more drinks, he whispered a proposal in her ear, and she accepted. So they left the party and went into the bushes outside, making passionate love like they had never done before.

Just before midnight, the time when the masks are removed and the faces are revealed, Anne disappeared.

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She returned home, put the costume in the closet, and got into bed, wondering how Richard would explain his outrageous behavior.

She was reading a book in bed when he came home.

Anne asked, “So, how was the party?”..

“It was so-so. You know I don’t have a good time when you’re not with me”.

She started to get annoyed and asked, “Did you dance with anyone?”..

“No, not at all”, Richard replied..

Anne was furious with her husband for his lies. With an angry look, she asked, “So what were you doing there anyway?!?”..

Richard replied, “Well, when I got there, I met John, Michael, and a few other guys. They don’t like dancing either, so we went into another room and played poker all evening”.

Just before Anne exploded with anger, Richard said with a smile, “We didn’t do too much. But our neighbor Stuart, to whom I lent my costume, said he had the fun of his life!”..

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