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Dad found a goodbye letter from his 16-year-old daughter - the last line hit him like a punch in the stomach





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It doesn't matter how old your children are, as parents you will always feel responsible for them.

You will always worry when they get scared or injured, and you will always celebrate their achievements. Your children will always be your children. Nothing can change that.

However, raising a child is never an easy task.

Of all the parenting experiences you may have, adolescence may be the most challenging one. Hormones are rampant, school can be difficult, social pressure is starting to play a role and the world is no longer the way they experience when only you are by their side.

To put it simply, being the parent of a teenage boy or girl is definitely a stressful task.

One father experienced this stress up close when he found a letter left by his daughter.

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When his favorite football team just lost, he was very upset and nervous. To improve his mood he wanted to suggest to his daughter, Ann, go out to eat ice cream.

The problem is that Ann was not in the room. He did not hear or see her leave the house, so panic began to play a role.

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The letter

That was the moment he saw a hand-written letter lying on her bed. The letter read:

"Dear father and mother,

I'm sorry to tell you that, but I ran away with my new boyfriend, Dima.

I finally found true love, and it's just amazing! I especially love his piercing, scars, beautiful tattoos and his great motorcycle!

And that's not all - I'm pregnant with him, I'm already three months old, and I'm going to move in with him, and he said he wants more children from me. I am so happy! And guess what? He bought us plane tickets to Cyprus and we are getting married next week!!

He also explained to me that weed is not as harmful as people say, so now we are growing some seeds in the apartment. We have enough for us and his friends, and in return they will give us money or pills.

I also hope that they will soon find a cure for herpes so that Dima can get better - he really deserves it. Don't worry about money - Dima has friends who have told me that they can arrange roles for me in commercials.

They said I could get $300 a day, and that if there was more than one man in each scene I would earn ever more! So don't worry about me - I am 16 years old and can take care of myself.

Next time I come to visit - you will get to know your grandson!

Love, Ann.

P.S: Dad, none of this is true - I jumped over to Ellie's place to watch TV. I just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than The Patriots losing to The Eagles!

See you soon!"

If that didn't put a smile on your face, we don't know what will.

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