6 natural blood thinners and how to prevent the formation of blood clots
The function of any organ in the body is affected by blood flow, so blood clots are a serious health problem that can lead to many complications.
Blood clots are usually caused by injury as a way to stop bleeding, and once the wound heals, the blood clot breaks down. But sometimes the body can not dissolve the blood clot if it is formed inside the arteries or veins, which can lead to stroke.
Stroke affects millions of people worldwide every year and is the leading cause of long-term disability. This increases the importance of blood thinners.
Arterial blood clots interfere with blood and oxygen flow and usually occur in the feet and hands, as well as in the brain.
The most common symptoms of blood clots include muscle pain, weakness or loss of color in the affected area, or cold feet and hands.
Blood clots develop slowly, usually after trauma or surgery, and can be of three types: pulmonary embolism (which reaches the lungs and causes death), deep vein thrombosis (usually occurring in the lower pelvis, leg or hip), and superficial venous thrombosis (usually occurs in the veins near the skin, and causes great pain).
These blood clots are characterized by inflammation, redness, and pain in the affected area.
The risk factors leading to blood clots include high cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking, and diabetes. A healthy diet is the best way to prevent blood clots. It means staying away from processed foods, artificial sweeteners and additives.
In addition, you must be physically active to maintain normal blood flow in the body. In addition, stop smoking because it causes side effects, strokes, heart attacks, and lung cancer.
Here are 13 natural blood thinners that can help you prevent a blood clot:
- Natural antibiotics, like garlic, olive oil and onions
- Tomatoes (tomatoes naturally inhibit buildup of platelets)
- Grapes (rich in Flavonoids that provide blood thinning effect).
- Vitamin E (prevents oxidation, so consume more avocado, kiwi, almonds and broccoli)
- Omega-3 fatty acids (reduce platelet activity, the richest sources are walnuts, fish, pumpkin seeds).
- Turmeric (the active ingredient curcumin, acts on blood platelets and prevents coagulation).
- Ginger (the active ingredient in ginger can prevent a stroke).
- Ginkgo (reduces fibrin, a protein that helps blood clots form).
- Vitamin C (helps in the health of veins).
- Blueberries
- Cinnamon (the popular spice contains kumarin, a chemical that helps reduce blood pressure).
- Cayenne pepper (contains blood thinners properties)
- Beetroot (rich in nitrite that improves heart health and reduces blood clots).
In addition, the following drinks and foods can help you thin your blood:
- Vegetables like lettuce and broccoli
- Fruits, such as berries, grapefruit, pineapple, and pomegranate
- Dark Chocolate
- Walnuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios, and Brazil nuts
- Drinks like green tea, grape juice, cranberry juice, and pineapple juice.