The findings were approved, doctors did not believe: a woman cured herself of cancer stage 4! And that was all she ate...
This is the amazing story of a woman named Candice Marie Fox who cured herself of cancer stage 4 after doctors told her that she didn't have a chance to recover. Doctors do not expect the patient to survive after he or she reach this stage of cancer. But Candice's amazing story is a mircale that shows us what nature have for us!
Candice was diagnosed with cancer in 2011 and doctors discovered she doesn't have long to live. Her thyroid cancer was diagnosed at an advanced stage and there wasn't much they could do. They gave her a maximum of 5 years to live because the cancer has already spread to other organs.
Because she saw that according the doctors she had already lost her battle for life, she didn't want to go through chemotherapy. She saw that even after chemotherapy her 13 year old cousin died, and her best friend 31 years old died. She concluded that chemotherpay won't gives positive results.
Then she checked the alternative ways and started to learn about cancer.
She stopped using detergent and cosmetics, reduced stress levels. She learned that cancer feeds from all chemicals, animal products and stress.
Another thing she learned was that consuming large meals take alot of energy from the body. She started eating smaller meals to conserve energy and fight the disease.
She changed her menu and started consuming 3 pineapples, kiwi, lemon, apples, papaya, bananas and grapefruit every day to absorb high levels of Bromelain. In fact, she ate only fruit during the daily menu.
To the amazement of the doctors, after six months, the cancer disappeared completely!
This is how her menu looked like:
Days 1-7: fruit-only diet with beet root, carrots and celery juice
Day 8-10: same menu except without the juice. She also took vitamin K, and selenium in the form of sodium selenite.
Day 11-14: Vegetables, wet almonds, avocados, and fruit
And then she returned the menu over again.
Watch below on the interview of Candice talking about how she won the damn disease: