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A starving dog survived by eating twigs and stones. But you must see it now!





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A dog that ate twigs and stones for several months found his happy ending.

The Weimaraner mixed dog named Alex, found on the streets of New Orleans in October 2014, weighed only 19 kg.

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Alex was so thin that even Dina Theiss, the assistant director at the Southern Animal Foundation, saw a picture of him and was shocked that he was still alive. She knew he wouldn't survive in the kennel.

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While undergoing medical tests, the x-rays revealed that Alex was so desperate for food that he ate twigs and stones to fill his stomach.

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His health was not good. His hunger caused withdrawal as his stomach reacted to the nutrition he was receiving, and it flipped over. He underwent emergency surgery to remove the foreign objects and to treat the dangerous condition, but the stubborn dog came out of it like a big man.

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After recovering, Alex moved in a foster home with Diane Lundin. She already had two Weimaraner dogs at home and when she met Alex she fell in love with him immediately. He fell in love with her too, and in the first week he gained back 4 kg.

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Four months later, Diane knew she couldn't part with the dog whose eyes were so terrifying when they first met. Those eyes are full of happiness and light today now that he has found his permanent and loving home with Lundin.

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Today, Alex is smiling in all the pictures.

Lundin said that Alex weighs almost 40 kg today: "He has good color in his gums, his eyes are bright, when he sits down he doesn't cry. He has a wonderful zest for life".

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Well done Alex! How nice to see you healthy and smiling again!


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