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The husband laughed at his wife's fat body, got what he deserved after her perfect revenge





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Even when you've been married for many years, it is very important to continue working on the relationship and making each other happy. Otherwise, it's very easy to take each other for granted and one day you'll realize it when it's too late.

Like the couple in this story. They seem to be in desperate need of something to 'spark' their married life, but what happened instead had us laughing out loud.

The woman's reaction at the end was genius - and she made her old husband swallow his own words!

An elderly couple who have been married for 30 years were working together in their garden.

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The woman bent down to pull weeds from the ground and her husband took the opportunity to look at her butt.

'Damn, you must lose weight! Your butt is as big as our barbecue!'.

Did not expect this reaction from his wife

To add fuel to the fire, the husband grabbed the woman's butt with both hands, then without moving his hands, he went to the barbecue and did the same.

And he called laughing and said:

'What did I tell you? Exactly the same size!'

The wife was very offended by her husband's joke and decided that he would finish working in the garden alone. She went inside and ignored him for the whole day.

At night when they got into bed, the husband put his hand on his wife's leg and wondered if they could enjoy some intimate time.

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The wife, still angry at her husband's joke, turned her back on him and showed her lack of will.

'What happened to you?', He asked.

With a smile on her face, she answered:

'Do you really think I'll light up this huge barbecue for one small hot dog?'

Just genius! Did you also think that the woman's answer was laughable? If so, share the article and spread the happiness.


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