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A man rescued an abused 10kg pitbull - 12 weeks later, the dog's transformation moved me to tears





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Abusing and neglecting of animals is something that should not be accepted.

If you see or hear about this or that type of abuse, either call the authorities or intervene yourself. You may be the poor creature's last chance.

For one person, that was certainly the case. And luckily, he did what he had to do.

The man, who worked in an apartment building, wasn't expecting anything but a normal day's work.

The last thing he expected was to be called a hero, and yet, that's exactly what happened after he saw a gray pitbull neglected by its owner.

Anyone who saw the dog knew something had to be done about it - there was no question at all that this dog was a victim of neglect.

But the police informed the building worker that he could be charged with theft if he took matters into his own hands and "stole" the neglected dog from the apartment. The police itself forwarded the issue to the authorities who said to handle the issue.

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And yet, despite two warnings from the police, nothing happened. The man who called the police was shocked when he saw that the dog was still in a cage.

Upset and angry at the lack of treatment, the man decided to take care of the problem himself, and took the dog to the vet.

"When he got here he cried, he was in tears, he couldn't believe it," said Cinnamon Kuch, a volunteer at a local association.

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"He saved this dog's life."

Mikey, named after his rescuer, received the treatment he so desperately needed.

"He doesn't have enough strength to stand, he looks like a walking skeleton," said veterinarian John Tolliver.

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"It is both sad and infuriating that someone is able to do such a thing to an animal."

At the time of the rescue, Mikey weighed 10 kg - a pit bull of his age should weigh about 16 kg.

Parts of the dog's body were covered in burns.

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"It was the worst case of abuse I've ever seen", Couch said.

But Mikey showed strong willpower in everything related to his recovery.

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"He is so sweet and loving, all he wants is to give kisses".

Cinnamon Couch became Mikey's foster and is currently looking for a loving and permanent home for him.

Until that happens, Mikey will continue to get lots of hugs and kisses from her.

It's really hard to believe that someone could be so cruel to a helpless animal. At the same time, it's important to remember that there are many people who will go above and beyond to help, just like construction worker Mikey. They should be given all the respect in the world.

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