14 photos you'd never guess were taken with an iPhone!
We highly value creativity, especially when it comes from an artist that manages to create something out of nothing.
These days almost everybody owns a cellphone, and many are completely unaware of the capabilities the camera's quality in these devices have. One man who took this and turned it into a hobby and later a profession, is Erez Efrati - an israeli photographer who created an instagram account where he uploads his amazing creations that he captures mostly with only his iPhone's camera.
He also created a YouTube channel where he uploads videos that were filmed with the same iPhone and then edits to turn into creations that you would never guess were filmed with a cellphone camera - which can be inspiring for anyone looking to produce home films and is not unsure about just how good they might get.
Take a look at some of his creations:

Coca Cola cans:

Cloudy day:

Game of thrones:

In the studio:


Inside the building:

Umbrella packed street:

Dog playing:

Sunflower field:


On stage:


One dollar bill:

You can find many more of these creations as well as a link to his YouTube channel on Erez's instagram account @studio_rezorrection